
Showing posts from February, 2018
Ah! Love is in the air! Happy St. Valentine Day, Dear Reader. I hope your day was filled with more amour than mine. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm having a great day, but, you see, Old Man isn't home right now. He's working at his very difficult job in his cozy warm office. I'm at home minding the dogs. It all started a couple of months ago. You all know about Girlie-girl, our little black dog who lives in the house. Well, we also have a very big, very black, dog who looks like she is a very mean, eat-you-alive dog in the backyard. I have asked and asked Old Man to get rid of the dog, but, just like a man, he won't listen. I am afraid for the burglar who gains entry to our backyard with the intentions of entering the house through a window will be terrorized and possibly do himself harm trying to get back over the fence when he sees Lady the sad fact is that if the burglar will just be still and let Lady sniff him, he'll have a new best friend who will show h