
Showing posts from September, 2020

Fleeting Smiles

Do you know there is one thing that I really miss. The pandemic has taken away our ability to smile at one another. Also, reading lips. I don't want to brag or anything, but I have reached an age where a little help in the auditory department is needed. Oh, I know you think OLD (whispered, of course). But, I say, LONG FULL LIFE (not whispered). Things became a little annoying when sitting across the den from Old Man, I asked, "What?" way too often. He had to shout over the TV that was playing at over 100 decibels. Anyway, I grew to need these silly things gradually. When I realized I couldn't understand the speech of 2 co-workers because they had soft voices, I had to do something. So off to the doctor I went. In the meantime, as this was gradually coming on, I had learned to read lips. I didn't even realize I had that skill or need until people began to cover their faces. Now I can only read eyes. Sometimes they tell the tale, but even they can be hidden by gla

Fleeting heals and roll-overs

This pandemic can go away as far as I'm concerned. I mean, I haven't been to my favorite restaurants in months. Take out. Bah! No ambience with take out. Where are the cozy seats, the smiling wait staff, the lack of clean-up after the meal? I don't think Old Man has been out of the house since March. It's a good thing we have Sweet Dog. After Girlie-Girl went to the Sweet By and By, Grown Son grew concerned that Old Man would not have a companion with whom to roam our hill. So, he made sure that by Christmas, Sweet Dog joined the family. And such a sweet dog she is.  Old Man decided to train Sweet Dog. She said, "Say what?" Photo by Lum3n from Pexels Of course, Old Man put his foot down. Sweet Girl is sweet, but she can be a shade on the lazy side. They get out in the yard and run and play, um, that is Sweet Girl gets out and runs and plays. Old Man and Sweet Girl are a great combination, because they both can be a shade on the lazy side. Old Man gets on th

Fleeting Masks

Please, make them fleet! I am so tired of breathing my own carbon dioxide. My goodness, the plants inside offices and shops are wilting, confused by the lack of carbon dioxide. Last week at my doctor's office, I heard one whisper to the other, "What's with people? They're hogging all the air with those masks. It's like mass hysteria, they all started wearing them at once. If they don't take those *&#$ things off, I'm going to suffocate! I need some CO!" The philodendron replied, "I'm feeling pretty bad, too. I don't know what's going on. I thought they needed the O2 we make. I think there's a trade deficit going on here and we're on the wrong end of the stick!" The English ivy was not to be outdone. "What if we were to just wilt away. Then they would have no oxygen! That would fix them." "And we would be dead. Don't be silly. This is a serious matter. We have to figure out something." I