
Showing posts with the label anniversaries

Fleeting Anniversaries

Do you realize, Dear Reader, that it has been a full year for my blog! I turned a year old Saturday, the first and didn't even realize it. If I had, I would have written something. My first blog from a year ago was very short, but so full of high hopes! This is all there was: This blog is for fleeting thoughts. Perhaps a better name is "Stream-of-Conscience Thoughts". Because that's what it is. Never a dull moment! At least, I hope not. Doesn't that just melt the socks off your nose? I began this blog for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted to think funny thoughts. A lot of serious things were going on in my life - still are- and I felt like I needed comic relief. The second reason for this blog is that it is a tool with which I'm honing my writing skills. I have succeeded in the comic relief, but I'm not so sure about improving my writing skills. Time will tell. So, this blog started out being for just me. But, I have some regular readers now, mos