
Showing posts with the label bread

Fleeting hazelnut

Happy Easter, Dear Reader! The Lord is Risen, Alleluia! I spent today with family, as I dearly hope all of you were able to do. Easter is a very special time. Our children would like to think that it all boils down to the Easter Bunny hiding eggs and leaving candy. Sometimes, I'm tempted to agree with them, especially about hazelnut and chocolate. Especially the hazelnut spread that has a hint of cocoa in it. This spread is not for the faint-of-heart! The following incident happened to a professional. Remember DO NOT try this at home. I joined Young Man on a tour of duty overseas where the delicious spread was commonplace - we had yet to hear of it in the United States. I was 9 months pregnant with our first child. I weighed 135 at the beginning of that pregnancy and topped out at 199. It was ALL because of the hazelnut spread. I scoured our apartment for pfennigs until I found enough to walk down the street to a Bäckerei to buy a loaf of hard bread. It was in this Bäckerei t