
Showing posts with the label casino

Fleeing Teeth

Old Man was set loose the other day. Friday to be exact. I worry when he's set loose. There's no telling what the day will bring. Take Friday, for instance. I had to go to work, Old Man had the day off from his job. He decided that he would travel to a town that is about one and a half hours away from our home by car and conduct some business, run some errands. I worry because I'm not there to remind him of things, like watching out for the pedestrian ahead of us, or that he should turn on his directional signal when making a left hand turn. I know he appreciates my thoughtfulness. He's just like that. So, when he is set loose I worry that he will forget something important. Well, he didn't forget anything, but the second reason I worry when he is set loose was proven true. You can never tell what the day will bring. Old Man has such strange, wonderful and/or outrageous experiences while he is out by himself, it simply amazes me. Last Friday, after Old Man was f