
Showing posts with the label librarian

Fleeting Lost Librarians

     I have a friend who works in a public library located in a small town that serves the town and the surrounding countryside. She, herself, lives out in the country, as does most of the employees at this library. The town is just too small to contain everyone. Nonetheless, it is a very professional library and they go to professional development meetings fairly often to improve their skills. Most of these meetings are held in larger, more urban libraries. The following story is from one such trip.      Exploration seemed to be the order for the day, since they arrived a little early. Librarians are always exploring and getting into things. You know the old saying, “Curiosity killed the cat”? Well, librarians can get into that sort of trouble. And they did that day .(NO, of course, no one died)  . .      The children’s area in a library is always the most interesting with its vivid colors, clever use of floor space and usually a fun puppet or two on display. Thi