
Showing posts with the label love

Fleeting Guilessness

My, my! It's been over a month since I've blogged. I can't believe it! Where has the time gone? You might say I've been out galavantin' around. Or, you might say I've been very busy at work and was coming home too exhausted to write. Or, you might say I've been working very hard on the old homestead that I've been wearing myself out. Or, you might say that I've just been loafing around. It sounds very contradictory, but given I haven't been here since the end of June all of those things could have and, indeed did happen. I had a very busy and exhausting summer at work. I mean, you try punching all those numbers in a computer and see how tired you become! Hence, I had to take some time off. I went galavantin' with Older Daughter and her 2 daughters, Granddaughter 1 and Granddaughter 2. (That's not to say they are anything like Thing 1 and Thing 2.) It is especially fun and refreshing to travel with a 5 year old and a 3 year old. Gran

Fleeting Romance

I love beautiful days like today. A great rainstorm came through in the middle of the night last night and it seems to have cleaned the air of the dust and pollen that accumulates in the spring. I'm sitting on my front porch, enjoying the weather and watching the world go by. You would think I didn't have a care in the world! It's pauses like this that help to bear the burden. The beautiful spring day and the belly laughs that come from the funny things you see. My house is situated on a very busy street. Nothing but neighborhood traffic, mind you, but it's the main thoroughfare out of the neighborhood. Being in a neighborhood, I see all kinds of conveyances, from cars and trucks (of all kinds), to scooters and bicycles. It's the bicycle that found my funny bone today! I watched as a young girl, maybe 16, rode her bicycle from the top of the street to the other end, with an unexpected stop in my front yard. I watched as she chose to ride across the yards, rather

Fleeting Love and Greens

Aunt Mildred has new neighbor. And she is sweet on him because he has greens growing in his garden. I just got back from visiting Aunt Mildred. She is doing well, except for her feet. Her skin is so papery thin that when she bumps her toes or shins on something, which she does on a regular basis, she breaks open a new wound. So, she stays in her house puttering around using her scooter chair. She complains about not being able to get out to the local greasy spoon to get some good old Southern Fried Catfish. Because she can't go out to eat, she turned her attention to the neighborhood, which means her new neighbor in a house just across the street. There are no other neighbors in sight. It seems the gentleman was out on his front porch one day when Aunt Mildred went to throw out some leftovers from the refrigerator to the cats that hang around her house waiting for these treats. He offered a friendly wave, which Aunt Mildred thought was very forward of him! After all, she did