
Showing posts with the label lust

Fleeting Romance

I love beautiful days like today. A great rainstorm came through in the middle of the night last night and it seems to have cleaned the air of the dust and pollen that accumulates in the spring. I'm sitting on my front porch, enjoying the weather and watching the world go by. You would think I didn't have a care in the world! It's pauses like this that help to bear the burden. The beautiful spring day and the belly laughs that come from the funny things you see. My house is situated on a very busy street. Nothing but neighborhood traffic, mind you, but it's the main thoroughfare out of the neighborhood. Being in a neighborhood, I see all kinds of conveyances, from cars and trucks (of all kinds), to scooters and bicycles. It's the bicycle that found my funny bone today! I watched as a young girl, maybe 16, rode her bicycle from the top of the street to the other end, with an unexpected stop in my front yard. I watched as she chose to ride across the yards, rather