
Showing posts with the label party

Fleeting 50's

     I am finally over the creepy crawly crud! I am back on track and in the middle of a passel of birthdays, one last week, one tomorrow and a third next week, but none of them are mine. That's OK, really, because birthdays around our house can be sort of crazy. And sometimes, you just don't want to be on the receiving end of our birthday wishes.      Take, for instance, when Old Man officially became 'Old Man' on his fiftieth birthday. Now, Old Man does not like surprises, birthdays or parties. So what's a person to do? Why, surprise him with a birthday party, of course.      When I say Old Man does not like surprises, you may imagine that he gets a little upset, acts like he doesn't like the surprise and all, but, you would be wrong. Old Man gets absolutely violent when he is surprised. Dragging him to parties takes more energy than I have anymore. And his attitude about turning 50? Oh, he would not discuss it. So, a surprise birthday party is just what m

Fleeting Year

2011 sashays in tonight! Happy New Year! How are you celebrating? Two of the revelers I'm partying with want wine! And their mother is anxiously waiting for New Kids on the Block to appear on the New Year's celebration program from New York.  What is wrong is with this picture? It makes for a fun party. I'm listening to the 2 year old insist that her mother put building blocks together, while the 5 year old is keeping Mom updated on when NKOTB will appear. And before child welfare services come to get us, I must admit that the 'wine' is actually sparkling grape juice. Ahhh, two more hours . . . Happy New Year to all of you. I hope it is full of the best blessings for you.