
Showing posts with the label reading

Fleeting Sleep

I was late for work today because I was reading a book. Now, you know I have written about my kind and considerate boss, who will not get too terribly upset if one of us is a teeny tiny bit late every so often. Well, because of this really engrossing book, I was a whole 2 hours late! No, no, I wasn't reading it this morning. My goodness, I can barely open my eyes before noon, much less read a thought provoking book. No, I read this book until 3 this morning, until my eyes were so bleary, I could not read another word. Because it was the wee hours of the morning and I was very tired, I forgot to set my alarm. And because I went to sleep so late, I slept unitl 8:30, way past time for me to be at work. I was really embarrassed. I have to say, though, that I can't wait to get back to The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People tonight.