
Showing posts with the label riots

Heroes, not fleeting or fleeing, thank God, part 2

I expressed, dear Reader, admiration of those who have faced this pandemic heroically. Now, I wish to say how much I admire anyone who will speak the truth in the midst of rioters, looters, and other nefarious people condemning them for not supporting their cause. Black lives matter, blue lives matter, ALL lives matter. Not one of us is expendable, not the protester, not the cop, not the left-leaning politician, nor the right. For one group of people to say the opposite of this truth are liars. They are not to be believed. I understand there is injustice in the world. I understand there is oppression in the world. What I don’t understand is why people in the USA refuse to talk about this and would rather riot and loot in place of dialogue. I don’t understand. Did we try to talk before and it fail? When? Did we try to come to terms with this before? Yes, and progress is being made. My heart is broken over the division in the US and the world. We must come to together for dialogue if the