
Showing posts with the label talking plants

Fleeting Masks

Please, make them fleet! I am so tired of breathing my own carbon dioxide. My goodness, the plants inside offices and shops are wilting, confused by the lack of carbon dioxide. Last week at my doctor's office, I heard one whisper to the other, "What's with people? They're hogging all the air with those masks. It's like mass hysteria, they all started wearing them at once. If they don't take those *&#$ things off, I'm going to suffocate! I need some CO!" The philodendron replied, "I'm feeling pretty bad, too. I don't know what's going on. I thought they needed the O2 we make. I think there's a trade deficit going on here and we're on the wrong end of the stick!" The English ivy was not to be outdone. "What if we were to just wilt away. Then they would have no oxygen! That would fix them." "And we would be dead. Don't be silly. This is a serious matter. We have to figure out something." I