
Fleeting thmp! thmp! thmp! thmp! thmp!

About a month ago, I heard a funny noise coming from the outside of my car as I was driving down the Interstate. It went thmp! thmp! thmp! thmp! thmp! I slowed down and the thmping stopped. Something was loose, but I didn't know what. By the time I arrived home, I had forgotten all about it. Until the next day, that is. On my way to work, I heard it again - thmp! thmp! thmp! thmp! thmp! As I slowed down, I made a mental note to check it out as soon as I got to work. It turned out to be the gasket that surrounds the windshield, it had come loose and was flapping in the wind. I pushed the gasket back into place, making another mental note to drive home by a route other than the Interstate and to take it to the repair shop to have it fixed as soon as I could. A couple of weeks later Old Man asked if I had the windshield fixed. Of course I hadn't. Dear Reader, don't you just hate it when you are treated like a child? That's what I felt like when Old Man told me to get i

Not-So-Fleeting Hot Dog

I just called time and temp . . . it's 95 degrees. The online weather service says it's 98, with 45% humidity, which translates into a heat index of 102! I don't know the math behind all that, I just know what I read online and report. I'm reporting because I have a dog who thinks the house is too cold. How do I know what my dog is thinking? Well, read the story, then tell me what you think she's thinking: It's 2:00 p.m. and I am happily ensconced in my airconditioned house, doing the usual, surfing the Internet, pretending I'm getting something done around the house so that Old Man doesn't do one of his eye-rolls when he comes home from work. Girlie-girl Dog gets up from her fluffy pink bed to tip-toe over to me and begin the Wee-wee Dance. It's really cute, y'all. Girlie-girl is a small black dog, so when she begins to dance her black nails beat a distinct fast-paced rhythm on the tile floor. But, I also know what this means - she wants me

Fleeting Defecation?

Old Man has discovered social networking! I didn't introduce him to it. He was complaining to our daughter, who lives in another state, that he didn't see very many pictures of his grandchildren. "Well, Dad, if you would go online to this website, you could see all the pictures becasue I post them there." That was all it took. He's on it morning noon and night because he's discovered the games that you play where you have to 'plant' crops or 'bake' a certain number of cakes. He startles me when he shouts, "I made the next level, I'm an 'Elegant Farmer' now!" Elegant Farmer? The other day he told me that he was making some self-defecating remarks on some of the pictures that friends and family posted. "What?" I asked, thoroughly confused. "Did anyone get mad?" "No, I don't think so. I wasn't too bad. Just a little self-defecating. I don't mind too much and people think it's

Fleeting Worries & Dirty Diapers

Once upon a time, when Old Man was Young Man and Young Man, Jr. was just a wee bit of a baby, our household was visited by an angel. And this is how it happened: Have you ever heard the expression that when you pay your bills, you have to 'rob Peter to pay Paul'? Well, in our household, we couldn't even rob poor Peter because he was slap out of money, too. On grocery shopping day, I would take stock of supplies. If I thought I had enough to get by for one more week, I wouldn't buy it. Of course, that left me running out of things - a lot! If I ran out of dish detergent, I used a scoop of laundry powder to wash dishes. If I ran out of laundry powder, I poured just a little shampoo in the washing machine (I would only wash what the family could not do without). To try to make ends meet, I signed up with a company for whom I would fill out surveys. In return, they sent me cents off coupons for the products I liked to buy. They were also supposed to supply free samples

Fleeting Economics

Economics. Doesn't the sound of that word just make your skin crawl? No? Well, maybe you have a better understanding of the subject than I. Macro economics, micro economics. What's the difference? One is big and the other little. Right? So one is about global economy and the other about my household budget. But, what happened to the stuff in between? For example, what about the dress shop where I worked as a teenager? It was one store, owned by a local businessman. So, was that macro or micro? It looked quite macro to me, but I suppose the banks that held my boss's loan might have thought it very micro. Once upon a time, I tried to learn about all of this in junior college (yes, dear Reader, it was so long ago that it was called a junior college, not a community college). Way back when the world was young and all, way back when Old Man was Young Man and the children were young and innocent, I decided I needed to further my education and Economics 101 was my first foray in

Fleeting Romance

I love beautiful days like today. A great rainstorm came through in the middle of the night last night and it seems to have cleaned the air of the dust and pollen that accumulates in the spring. I'm sitting on my front porch, enjoying the weather and watching the world go by. You would think I didn't have a care in the world! It's pauses like this that help to bear the burden. The beautiful spring day and the belly laughs that come from the funny things you see. My house is situated on a very busy street. Nothing but neighborhood traffic, mind you, but it's the main thoroughfare out of the neighborhood. Being in a neighborhood, I see all kinds of conveyances, from cars and trucks (of all kinds), to scooters and bicycles. It's the bicycle that found my funny bone today! I watched as a young girl, maybe 16, rode her bicycle from the top of the street to the other end, with an unexpected stop in my front yard. I watched as she chose to ride across the yards, rather

Fleeting hazelnut

Happy Easter, Dear Reader! The Lord is Risen, Alleluia! I spent today with family, as I dearly hope all of you were able to do. Easter is a very special time. Our children would like to think that it all boils down to the Easter Bunny hiding eggs and leaving candy. Sometimes, I'm tempted to agree with them, especially about hazelnut and chocolate. Especially the hazelnut spread that has a hint of cocoa in it. This spread is not for the faint-of-heart! The following incident happened to a professional. Remember DO NOT try this at home. I joined Young Man on a tour of duty overseas where the delicious spread was commonplace - we had yet to hear of it in the United States. I was 9 months pregnant with our first child. I weighed 135 at the beginning of that pregnancy and topped out at 199. It was ALL because of the hazelnut spread. I scoured our apartment for pfennigs until I found enough to walk down the street to a Bäckerei to buy a loaf of hard bread. It was in this Bäckerei t