
Showing posts with the label April Fool

Fleeting Fools

April Fool's Day is coming up in a day or two. I'd like this blog to be participatory. I wrote about one of the best pranks by a youngster for April Fool's Day last September. September 9, 2010, to be exact.  Go to the archives and read that post, then come back here and 'comment' on this post with a hilariously funny April Fool's Day joke. It can be one that you pulled, had pulled on you, one that you heard about, short or long. Just please remember these 2 simple rules: this is a family oriented blog and please, please change names to protect the guilty! (I reserve the right to delete anything I deem inappropriate.) Let the stories begin . . .

From: The Annals of Family History - Chapter 1

Do you remember the "Leave it to Beaver" television show? There is one episode where Beaver creates a neighborhood newspaper; his brother looks over the paper and reads, "Weather, none." Wally asks the Beaver, "What do you mean, Beaver, there is no weather?" Beaver's answer was that since there was no wind or rain, storms or tornadoes, there was no weather.  That's the way my day has run. It's been on auto-pilot most of the day and no significant humorous thing has occurred. I was talking to my son about this predicament, when it suddenly struck me. I could write about something that happened years ago, when this son was only 7 or 8. You see, this particular son has been a jokester from day one! He decided to arrive 2 weeks early, to the surprise of his parents. And he hasn't quit surprising us and making us laugh since. His favorite holiday is April 1 and our story takes place on this holiday. Jokester decides that since no one had pla