
Showing posts from September, 2011

From: The Annals of Family History - Chapter 3

When Old Man was Young Man and the kids were younger - when the world was new and all, dinners could sometimes be very, oh, what's the word? tense. Ours was a very nontraditional dinner-time. We ate with one another with no television running in the background for distraction. This, Dear Reader, is ancient history, not even cable or dish networks had been invented, much less the Internet, computers and cell phones. I don't know how families do it these days. Why, I was on that very popular social website (which I can't name because of the Terms of Service on Blogger, the hosting website for this blog. I am not allowed to say their name, or any product name, for that matter). Anyway, here I was reading all the posts by family and friends, when a new one from Son came through. It simply said, "Daughter, get downstairs, dinner is ready." Not 2 seconds later, Daughter posted, "But, Dad, I'm right in the middle of a school project." Her father's res

Fleeting Anniversaries

Do you realize, Dear Reader, that it has been a full year for my blog! I turned a year old Saturday, the first and didn't even realize it. If I had, I would have written something. My first blog from a year ago was very short, but so full of high hopes! This is all there was: This blog is for fleeting thoughts. Perhaps a better name is "Stream-of-Conscience Thoughts". Because that's what it is. Never a dull moment! At least, I hope not. Doesn't that just melt the socks off your nose? I began this blog for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted to think funny thoughts. A lot of serious things were going on in my life - still are- and I felt like I needed comic relief. The second reason for this blog is that it is a tool with which I'm honing my writing skills. I have succeeded in the comic relief, but I'm not so sure about improving my writing skills. Time will tell. So, this blog started out being for just me. But, I have some regular readers now, mos