New Year's Resolutions - Which Should Not Be Fleeting

This is a blog that I began last week. I don't think we are too far into the new year to list our New Year's Resolutions - you know, those things we make so that we can break them.

Here's a partial list of my 2011 New Year's resolutions. I am not posting the entire list for your protection.

2011 New Year's resolutions:

1. Lose weight - I tried the Seafood Diet for this resolution . . . I see food and I eat. I'm about 10 pounds heavier than at the beginning of the year. I must try something different in 2012. It's tough being gravitationally challenged.

2. Publish a book this year. Yeah, right!

3. Spend more time with Old Man. That was fun and added more fodder for this blog!

4. Organize my home. I lost the refrigerator the other day. That didn't help with my Seafood Diet. I finally found the refrigerator, but now my car keys have gone missing. "Hail St. Anthony! Come around. Something's lost and must be found."

As you can see, Dear Reader, I'm not too terribly different from the rest of humanity. I begin the new year with good intentions, but fall short of actually accomplishing the resolutions or goals I set for myself. So, how do I correct that for the new year? If you know the answer to that one, Dear Reader, please comment below and help me and the rest of humanity.

But, in the meantime, here's list of resolutions for 2012:

1. Spend more time with my Lord and Savior. I'd better not hedge on this one. The difficulty comes in with all the distracting 'stuff'. Perhaps if I am successful with this one, the others may come more easily.

2. Lose weight. If I'm not successful with this one, I'll be too successful with number 1.

3. Organize! Organize! Organize! My home, my time, my work, and my thoughts. I am officially scatter-brained. I know because I'm blond, although you can't tell it by looking at me. I have artificial intelligence - my hair is dyed the prettiest shade of brown.

4. Perhaps if I am successful with number 3, then I may be able to get a book published!

So, Dear Reader, what were your resolutions for 2011? Were you successful in keeping them? Are you a better person because of them?

© 2012 Carol Phares


  1. I don't make resolutions because I would just break them.
    I do however think about making them.

    I do like your #1 resolution though...

  2. Thanks, Sally. I like #1, too! But, working on number 2, I'm almost 10 pounds lighter!

  3. I saw this website on the back of a car in Ridgeland. I was too excited to get home and check it out, (for some odd reason)... But have to say I am disappointed that it only has blogs from 2012? Why would you promote a website that hasn't been updated since January 2012?

  4. Thanks Anonymous for your comment. I wasn't sure how widely-read this blog was, so when my new IPad didn't work well with blogging, I let it go by the wayside. But, I have a new post, not very humorous, but it's a start. Thanks for your input and your kick in the behind to get me started again.


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