Fleeting Southernisms

Hello again. It's been six whole days since I've posted anything. I have been leaving work and going to a town 30 minutes away to see Aunt Mildred who had a stroke about 3 weeks ago. Aunt Mildred is only 88 years old. And I am happy to report that she is out of the hospital and in her own home! Family and friends (including Old Man and myself) have been working out times to stay with Aunt Mildred. She is still a little weak in the legs and we want to make certain that she won't fall. So, Aunt Mildred happily has been taking the place of the keyboard and computer screen.

Aunt Mildred is a totally Southern Country Woman. I have learned so much about living and giving from her, but sometimes I feel as though I need an interpreter - even though I've lived in the south my entire life.

My Daughter and Almost-Daughter-in-law gave me a lesson in Southernisms recently. A couple of months ago, Old Man and I were treated to dinner by Daughter and Fiance (fancy name for 'boyfriend').  They prepared the most delicious steak; I was compelled to ask how they cooked them. They said their secret was 'Dell's' seasoning. "Dell's?", I asked. I wanted to make sure I could find it in the grocery store They both assured me that I could find this seasoning at any grocery store. I looked halfheartedly for it over the next month or so. I was not convinced I could cook a decent steak, so I wasn't sure I could use this 'Dell's' seasoning.

Last month, Son and Girlfriend invited us to dinner. Oh, the steaks were delectable! Now, Son takes after Old Man, neither one of them knows how to boil water! So, I knew to ask Girlfriend how these steaks were cooked. She elaborated, but the basis was 'Dell's'. I knew then, I need to find this 'Dell's' seasoning!

Those of you who are familiar with seasonings and marinades know where this story is going. I looked for weeks for this seasoning mix. I finally called Girlfriend and asked, point blank, "Where do you find Dell's?" She replied that she found it at our friendly, neighborhood WalMart (the subject of another blog). With the accuracey of GPS, she told me exactly where to find it. And if that wasn't enough, she described the bottle. White lable on a brown bottle background.

I went to WalMart, followed her precise directions. I still could not find the 'Dell's'. On the top shelf, pushed back toward the back, I spied a brown bottle with a white label. Hmmm, I wondered. I took it down and read, 'Dale's'. The lightbulb switched on!

My own daughter, my own flesh-and-blood spoke in that country southernese that was difficult to understand! And Son was dating someone with that hard-to-understand accent! Oh, what was a mother to do?

Well, this mother was brought up short with this whole accent thing one night while talking with Aunt Mildred. She was still in the hospital and not as strong as she is now. Quite often it was very difficult to understand what she was saying. This particular evening that I visited with her, she had not eaten her supper, so the nurses concocted a 'milkshake' with vanilla flavored 'Ensure' with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream. This concoction was in front of her as we visited.

Mildred: "I **unintelligible** male".
Me:  "Ma'am?"
Mildred: "I want **unintelligible** male."
Me:  Trying to understand why this 88 year old wants a man!
Me: "Aunt Mildred! How could you suggest such a thing? What in the world would you do with a man?" As soon as I said that, I was really hoping she would NOT answer the question.
Mildred: A look of horror crossed her face. Her eyes popped open and her mouth formed a perfect 'O'.
Mildred: "What are you a-talkin' about? I don't want my ice cream to melt."


  1. You are so funny!!! glad to hear aunt mildred is doing better... love to you and the old man..


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