Fleeting thoughts for today

Bursitis - an inflammation of the bursa. Now, if that inflammation is in the arm or the shoulder, just rest the shoulder, take some NSAIDs, and you are home free!

But . . . what if it is in your foot? And it's a long-lasting (2 1/2 years!) chronic bursitis? My doctor finally did an MRI on my painful foot and discovered, voila! it is bursitis!!! I'm not sure why an MRI was not done 2 1/2 years ago.

So . . . If there is chronic bursitis in the foot, there does not seem to be much one can do. Take an NSAID to keep the swelling down, but how does one stay off one's foot? I don't have any artificial aids or any artificial ideas.

I'll just try to walk fewer steps and ride more miles on the stationary bicycle!


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