Fleeting (please!) fashions

Did you ever wonder about people? I mean, did you ever wonder about how they could dress the way they dress in public? This past weekend really spiked my curiosity about that.

A young man who stood about 6' 2" and weighed nearly 300 pounds if he weighed 50 sported a bald head except for the 12 inch blue spiked mohawk! And he had a girlfriend. Bless her heart.

Another man swayed down the street swinging from side to side trying to take everything in with huge round eyes as he walked. But here's the funny part. His thinning dark hair was sticking out in all directions, he wore a shirt opened to the tucked in waist, and his shoes looked too long for his short stature.

Oh, we can't leave the tra . . . er, ladies, out of the picture. Now I want to know how in the world an 80 year old, dark, wrinkled leathery woman can think of herself as attractive. I know this particular woman thought of herself as attractive, because her shirt, just like the man in the previous description, opened to the tucked in waist, this over a skirt that just barely covered her sitting end. Oh, the bangles and jangles!

And I have yet to figure out why the women have buzz cuts while the men trail long locks.

What a study in fashion!


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