Fleeting Portalets and Pantyhose

Old Man got loose again this weekend. It wasn't my fault. Although, I did remind him to watch where he was going when walking through crowds and wash his hands when he was finished in the portalet. He likes the little reminders.

We went to a street fair this weekend where Old Man had rented booth space so he could sell things men like to buy, like flags, and ballcaps, and knives. I went along so that Old Man wouldn't have to worry about the little things, like watching out for pedestrians while he's driving or figuring out how to display his wares. Even though I know he appreciates my efforts tremendously, he rearranged the flags because he's just like that.

When everything was just as Old Man wanted it to be, he excused himself to use the portalet. He asked if I'd be alright by myself because he'd be 'gone awhile', and we all know what that means. I assured him I'd be alright and that was also when I reminded him about being careful walking through the crowd and washing his hands. Do you know that Old Man can roll his eyes in a huge arc? Beats all I ever did see!

Old Man chose a portalet situated between 2 others and made himself comfortable while reading a brochure he'd brought along. It wasn't long before 2 young ladies arrived and entered the portalets on either side of Old Man. He listened as they talked about getting their pantyhose straight, which was most important because they were about to dance on stage. One young lady was instructing the other about how she should pull first here, then there and inch the hose until it fit in place and was not twisted on the leg. Old Man found this information fascinating because he never knew how a woman could put on pantyhose and keep them straight. They talked as if they were the only 2 in the whole world, so when someone tugged at Old Man's door and he replied, "I'll be out in a minute, I'm straightening my pantyhose", the 2 girls went silent.

Old Man didn't even hear them leave the portalets.


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