Fleeting Love and Greens

Aunt Mildred has new neighbor. And she is sweet on him because he has greens growing in his garden.

I just got back from visiting Aunt Mildred. She is doing well, except for her feet. Her skin is so papery thin that when she bumps her toes or shins on something, which she does on a regular basis, she breaks open a new wound. So, she stays in her house puttering around using her scooter chair.

She complains about not being able to get out to the local greasy spoon to get some good old Southern Fried Catfish. Because she can't go out to eat, she turned her attention to the neighborhood, which means her new neighbor in a house just across the street. There are no other neighbors in sight.

It seems the gentleman was out on his front porch one day when Aunt Mildred went to throw out some leftovers from the refrigerator to the cats that hang around her house waiting for these treats. He offered a friendly wave, which Aunt Mildred thought was very forward of him! After all, she did not know him, had never been introduced and he could be a serial killer for all she knew. She withdrew into her house and closed and locked the door.

Over the next couple of weeks, Aunt Mildred noticed her new neighbor was coming and going a lot. He must have a girl friend. He also must be a city fella. Aunt Mildred laughingly told me about a young man coming to the new neighbor's house and planting a fall garden. Oh, she wondered, why couldn't the neighbor do it? She hooted when she supposed that he was too busy looking after all his girlfriends to plant a garden.

Well, tonight, Aunt Mildred was beside herself, she was laughing so hard. She said that she just watched the new neighbor get into his pickup truck, drive about 100 yards to his garden, get out of the pickup truck, pick some greens, return to the truck and drive the 100 yards back to his house.

Then she wondered how she could talk him into bringing her some greens. Her friend suggested that she yell out her front door and say that she would cook the greens for him if he would bring some to her. She laughed so hard, I was a afraid for her life.

Dear Reader, I will keep you posted on the blooming love life of 89 year old Aunt Mildred (and whether she gets the greens or not).


  1. Just goes to show she is still young at heart, or really is in the mood for some greens. I love this story.


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