They walk among us

Have you ever wondered why some of the warnings on products are there at all? For example, a glass cleaner warns the user not to spray in eyes. I'm certainly glad of that warning, otherwise, I may have tried to clear my blurry vision with the cleaner rather than a new pair of glasses. Much cheaper!

Aspirin bottles carry the warning not to take aspirin is you are allergic to it. Ok, I won't do that either. Irons (you know those hot appliances that some of us use to smooth our clothes?) - some irons carry the warning not to use it on clothes that are being worn. Ouch!

A cat litter brand claims to be safe to use around pets. My pets appreciate that. And how about those airline packs of peanuts. It's not a warning exactly, but it has dumb instructions on how to use: "Open packet and eat nuts."

And I want to make sure that I properly use the Christmas lights I bought: "For indoor or outdoor use only." What other "door" is there?

I have a cardboard windshield sun shade that has this warning in the corner directly in front of the driver (that is, if the sun shade was placed properly): "Remove from windshield before driving." Huh? Every time I take this out of my window, I see this and wonder who needs this warning. Well, dear Reader, I found out who the other day. I was talking to a very nice lady, a very sensible lady. The subject of today's blog was our topic of conversation. When I told her about my cardboard windshield sun shade, she looked rather embarrassed. She admitted that one day she got in her car and thought the sky looked awfully grey and overcast. She started the car, put it in drive and realized she couldn't find the parking lot she was trying to leave! She had the fiber sun shades with the black side and the silver side. She had put the shade in her window with the silver side toward the inside of the car - her grey sky. She had actually driven a couple of feet before she figured out the grey skies. She said, "Thank goodness nothing was in front of me!"

Thank goodness, indeed!  Do you think someone sprayed window cleaner in their eye or took aspirin, knowing they were allergic to it? Remember, dear Reader, they walk among us!


  1. That's really funny... I know I have to read the label each and every time to make sure I don't take the aspirin since I'm very allergic to it. NOT!


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