Fleeting Defecation?

Old Man has discovered social networking! I didn't introduce him to it.

He was complaining to our daughter, who lives in another state, that he didn't see very many pictures of his grandchildren. "Well, Dad, if you would go online to this website, you could see all the pictures becasue I post them there."

That was all it took. He's on it morning noon and night because he's discovered the games that you play where you have to 'plant' crops or 'bake' a certain number of cakes. He startles me when he shouts, "I made the next level, I'm an 'Elegant Farmer' now!" Elegant Farmer?

The other day he told me that he was making some self-defecating remarks on some of the pictures that friends and family posted.

"What?" I asked, thoroughly confused. "Did anyone get mad?"

"No, I don't think so. I wasn't too bad. Just a little self-defecating. I don't mind too much and people think it's funny."

"Funny? Who in the world thinks it's funny to poop on yourself? And why in the world would you admit it?"

"What are you talking about? I'm not doing that, for cryin' out loud. Where did you get that idea?"

"You have said repeatedly that you were self-defecating."

I don't believe I've ever heard Old Man laugh so hard. When he was able to take a breath, he said, "I didn't say that - I said 'self-deprecating.'" And then he went into more spasms of laughter.

I guess the joke is on me. This is a deprecating story about my hearing ability.

© 2011 Carol Phares


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