Dyeing for some fleeting color Part II

Natural, medium, neutral, brown
In spite of brown ears and scalp, in spite of Old Man really wanting to mow the lawn in 100+ degree weather rather than help me color my hair, the color, as you can see turned out fairly well. Now, dear Reader, I know that's a blurry picture, but I just need you to get this color fixed in your head. It is, as it says on the box "natural, medium, neutral, brown". Honest. That was the name of the color on the box. And, that is the color you see on the left.

Can you picture this on Girlie-girl? Yes, that was our surprise! Wherever you find me, you will find my sweet little puppy, Girlie-Girl. You've read about her right her on the Fleetingly Carol blog. She's my froo-froo dog that isn't really. It's a rule that froo-froo dogs must be under 10 pounds and Girlie-Girl weighs in at a hefty 10 1/2 pounds. I'll put her on a diet when she reaches 11 pounds, so her poor belly won't scrape the ground.
Girlie-Girl made her home under my chair. I couldn't see what Old Man was doing and I'm guessing he couldn't either for blobs of hair color fell as he attempted to rub the goo into my scalp. Girlie-Girl decided that whatever Old Man was dropping must have been sent from heaven, because instead of moving to get away, she waited until a fair amount had fallen and then proceeded to roll all over my couch. Oh, yes, that was the other thing . . . I now have a "natural, medium, neutral, brown" couch that does nothing for the den. I guess I can give it away to someone who's done their den in earth tones.

I have taken the liberty of posting an older picture of Girlie-Girl. She said she was too embarrassed to have her picture taken with the new color. I don't know why. She was thoroughly enjoying herself when she was rolling around on the couch.

The bigger surprise than the fiasco with the dog and the couch was the way my hair turned out. Now, "only my hairdresser knows for sure" and Old Man ain't talking!

© 2011 Carol Phares


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