Fleeting Blog Posts

Practice makes perfect. That's what they always told me. So, to write better, I must write, write, and write some more.

This blog has been here for two reasons. The first was that I needed to do something light-hearted to get through the seriousness of life. I've written about some of the difficult times - Aunt Mildred, Super-Girl, Old Man's Dad. I've tried to tell the stories with a bit of humor to take the edge off whatever was bothering me at the time. It has been successful. Many people like my Old Man stories. Some are made up, some are not.

The second is to practice my writing. As I read over the previous paragraph, I see too many short sentences. Did I graduate first grade yet?

It's been a couple of years since I wrote anything. I plan to get back to it. I'll try to write a little every day in the hopes that my writing will improve.

If you would like to help out, in the comments below please let me know what you would like to read about. Thanks for taking time to comment and to read my pithy blog posts.


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