Fleeting heals and roll-overs

This pandemic can go away as far as I'm concerned. I mean, I haven't been to my favorite restaurants in months. Take out. Bah! No ambience with take out. Where are the cozy seats, the smiling wait staff, the lack of clean-up after the meal?

I don't think Old Man has been out of the house since March. It's a good thing we have Sweet Dog. After Girlie-Girl went to the Sweet By and By, Grown Son grew concerned that Old Man would not have a companion with whom to roam our hill. So, he made sure that by Christmas, Sweet Dog joined the family. And such a sweet dog she is. 

Old Man decided to train Sweet Dog.

Peeping Dog
She said, "Say what?"

Photo by Lum3n from Pexels

Of course, Old Man put his foot down. Sweet Girl is sweet, but she can be a shade on the lazy side.

They get out in the yard and run and play, um, that is Sweet Girl gets out and runs and plays. Old Man and Sweet Girl are a great combination, because they both can be a shade on the lazy side. Old Man gets on the riding lawn mower and throws a ball for Sweet Girl to fetch. They will do that all morning - I know, I have seen it!

Now there is a pandemic, Old Man is looking for things to do. He can't escape to his favorite restaurant or go over to his buddy's and hang out. COVID-19 might get him!

So, what's a body to do? Train the dog to do fancy tricks. I guess we're all trying out new things. This is Old Man's expanded new thing. He will train the dog to sit quietly and anticipate his command. When he gives one, Sweet Girl will perfectly obey.

Sweet Girl figured the first command should be "roll over". The floor is so comfortable.

 Old Man had other plans. She already knew how to "fetch". He would teach "heal" next. 





Photo by Jonathan Meyer from Pexels 

They went from this:

To this:

Photos courtesy of dreamstime.com

In a matter of six months! No kidding! Just ask Old Man. I would say ask Sweet Girl, but you may have a hard time finding her . . . 

Image by  Bruno of Germany at pixabay.com


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