Fleeting Smiles

Do you know there is one thing that I really miss. The pandemic has taken away our ability to smile at one another. Also, reading lips.

I don't want to brag or anything, but I have reached an age where a little help in the auditory department is needed. Oh, I know you think OLD (whispered, of course). But, I say, LONG FULL LIFE (not whispered).

Things became a little annoying when sitting across the den from Old Man, I asked, "What?" way too often. He had to shout over the TV that was playing at over 100 decibels. Anyway, I grew to need these silly things gradually. When I realized I couldn't understand the speech of 2 co-workers because they had soft voices, I had to do something. So off to the doctor I went.

In the meantime, as this was gradually coming on, I had learned to read lips. I didn't even realize I had that skill or need until people began to cover their faces. Now I can only read eyes. Sometimes they tell the tale, but even they can be hidden by glasses or bangs.

 I have seen some masks for sale that have a clear front so you can actually see a smile. Maybe I'll get those and hand them out to people I want to hear.

Have you noticed, the masks designers are getting very creative? They have become part of the election cycle collectibles. There are bird beaks and lion faces. I wanted to post pictures, but they must be royalty free - meaning I don't have to pay for them. Normally there is a whole slew of pictures for just the right subject. But, this pandemic is so new, all the stock pictures were of hospital masks - not anything creative could I find. 

Nevertheless, I took a picture of a coworker who obtained a variety of masks, most are very humorous. The one pictured just below made me laugh til I wet my pants! Oh, goodness, I needed that guffaw.

Now, if you can look at that picture without laughing, I know you have been quarantined too long. Go. Find something else to do besides surfing the Internet. Find something fun, something that will bring your sense of humor back to where it belongs.


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